Acupuncture is an effective way to treat tight muscles, chronic pain, anxiety, emotional disorders, fatigue, headaches, stress, sleep disturbances and many other conditions and symptoms of conditions. We provide acupuncture for those in Hamilton, Burlington, Dundas, Ancaster, and beyond. Visit our acupuncture clinic today!
Acupuncture can help treat and manage many conditions, including:
- Arthritis
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Lower back pain
- Joint pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Chronic pain
- Shoulder pain
- And more
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Super thin (usually .16 mm – .46 mm) solid needles are inserted into the body at select points across the body. In ancient Chinese medicine, needling key points on the body promotes the flow of qi (pronounced “chee”) and encourages healing. During an acupuncture session, you may feel a dull ache, even a heavy feeling, and that can be an indication that the needles have been correctly placed. The acupuncture practitioner may adjust the needles after placement, lifting and rotating them to increase or decrease the flow of qi.
For most, acupuncture is a painless procedure. Acupuncture can easily be paired with other physiotherapy treatments like massage therapy or chiropractic to create a rehabilitation approach that meets all of your unique needs.
To discuss whether or not acupuncture is a treatment option that makes sense for you, please contact us for an appointment.