Acupuncture and massage therapy are two of the most popular alternative therapies when it comes to pain relief. In both acupuncture and massage therapy, nerves in the body are stimulated that trigger the pain and pleasure receptors in our brains. This tells the body to secret natural endorphins, pain killers, which can help with a myriad of bodily conditions and pain.
Many patients experience pain relief and benefits from massage therapy and acupuncture as independent treatments. However, they work well in tandem with other therapies and medicines to help with healing and pain relief.
Acupuncture is the practice of using very thin needles to puncture the skin. In ancient Chinese medicine, this is to restore the balance of energy flow in the body. It has been observed to influence the activity of adenosine, the amino acid that becomes active in the skin after an injury to ease pain. This is why the effect of pain relief with acupuncture is so well-studied and discussed.
Massage therapy is not only relaxing, but aids in chronic and acute pain relief. The massage therapist uses their hands and fingers to pinpoint areas of the body that are causing a patient pain. Massage increases circulation, relieves pain, relaxes muscles, and reduces pressure and stress on joints.
Pair Acupuncture and Massage Therapy with Physiotherapy
Acupuncture and massage therapy paired together often create amplified benefits and results for the patients. Massage therapy helps to relax muscles or joints that are causing pain, while acupuncture aids in pain relief and can reach the deeper muscles and tissues that are tense or stressed.
When engaged in a physiotherapy program, acupuncture and massage therapy can be used to complement the effects. Physiotherapy focuses on long term care, including exercises, stretching, and mobility focuses. Massage therapy and acupuncture can work with physiotherapy to provide short term and long term relief from both chronic and acute pain. When used together, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and massage therapy can often provide you with more benefits than when used independently.
Acupuncture and Massage Therapy in Hamilton
If you’re looking for an alternative therapy to pair with your medication or physiotherapy, acupuncture and massage therapy may be your solution.
Physio Art Rehabilitation provides massage therapy and acupuncture services in Hamilton to complement other therapies or work independently. Contact us today for more information about how these therapies in Hamilton can help you!