There are hundreds of neurological conditions that can affecting the central nervous system. Often, neurological conditions affect balance, muscle control, flexibility, muscle function, walking, spasticity, and pain. Physiotherapy can help with all these symptoms of neurological conditions.

When there is damage to the central nervous system, such as the brain or spinal cord, the messages from your brain don’t reach the affected parts of your body. This results in uncoordinated movement, loss of movement, numbness, weak muscles, and twitches or spasms. At Physio Art, we can work with patients to help with neurological rehabilitation and improve muscle use and freedom.

Our Approach to Neurological Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy for neurological conditions requires a personal, direct approach. Our physiotherapists are trained to treat conditions and symptoms caused by various issues with the central nervous system. We work closely with you to understand your goals for physiotherapy. Do you want an improved walking ability? The ability to drive? To go back to work? To play sports? Once we get to know your specific goals and abilities, we can design a custom neurological rehabilitation program for you.

We use various treatment methods to help with your symptoms. Loss of balance, loss of muscle control, inability to walk, lack of flexibility, and pain can all be addressed by your custom-made physiotherapy treatment plan.

For neurological conditions that are progressive, we can offer advice and treatments for any stage. We can act as your primary rehabilitation provider or help you progress while transitioning from inpatient to outpatient programs. We also work closely with your physician and other care providers. At Physio Art, we believe in open communication with you and your entire care team to get you the best results.

During your neurological physiotherapy sessions, your physiotherapist can perform massage therapy and manual manipulation to stimulate the muscles, promote relaxation, and enhance circulation to specific areas of the body. They can also advise on mobility aids to help you move more easily.

The most important aspect of physiotherapy for neurological conditions is providing exercises for the patient to complete between sessions. These can range from very light to more robust depending on the patient’s goals. Physical activity is important for gaining strength and restoring flexibility, as well as giving you a variety of mental benefits as well. We want to set you free of the limitations imposed by your neurological condition.

Contact Us for Physiotherapy for Neurological Conditions

Physio Art Rehabilitation can provide you with neurological physiotherapy. Start regaining control and strength over your neurological condition today.

Contact us today for physiotherapy for neurological conditions.

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